The Sisters of Ntra. Mrs. de la Consolación from Linares received the award in the Human Values category for her more than four decades helping to...>
On Wednesday, the 12th, the Mass was celebrated in honor of Santa María Rosa Molas in the Mother Church of Areado, MG. During the Mass, the first...>
"Rosa Molas, It is you!" This Sunday afternoon, June 16, the sisters and lay people of the María Rosa Molas Province gathered online to celebrate...>
As part of the closing celebration of the jubilee of the 25th anniversary of the presence of the Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation in Togo, the...>
On Saturday, June 15, the members of the Consolation for the World Movement from the cities of Santiago, Linares and Parral, accompanied by the...>
In this feast of our Mother, we feel strengthened by the gift of deep koinonia, which unites us as Consolation Family. Maria Rosa Molas...>